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STASHeverything primary role is to provide event publishing, registration, ticketing and related software and services to Australian, New Zealand, US, UK and other International users of STASHeverything and the STASHeverything platform.
STASHeverything recognizes the importance of protecting the privacy of personally identifiable information collected about our customers. For the purposes of this Privacy Statement, the word customers includes visitors to our web sites, subscribers to and users of our services, purchasers of our products and advertising customers. For the purposes of the Privacy Statement, the phrase a “EVENT ORGANISER” means the venue operators and/or promoter(s) of a particular event.
We are bound by the National Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) in relation to the handling of personal information. Where appropriate we will handle personal information relying on the media exemption (but complying with the Australian Press Council Privacy Standards), related bodies corporate exemption and the employee exemption in the Privacy Act.
Personal Information
We collect personal information when we provide our services to you. Generally we will tell you why we are collecting information when we collect it and how we plan to use it or these things will be obvious when we collect the information.
We usually collect personal information directly from you although sometimes we may use agents or service providers to do this for us. We may also acquire lists from other sources, both from other companies and from other public documents.
Use of Information we usually collect personal information such as your name, address, telephone number, and in some instances, your financial details. When you are online, we collect information regarding the pages within our network which you visit and what you click on. As a general rule we do not collect sensitive information. However, if we do, it will usually be for the purposes of providing our goods or services and if the law requires us to, we will seek your consent to collect it.
We use your information to provide our services to you, to fulfill administrative functions associated with these services, for example billing, to enter into contracts with you or third parties and for marketing and client relationship purposes. Your contact details may be used to contact you to inform you of important information related to an event you have purchased tickets to, for example time or event changes or event cancellation. Where your personal information is contained within an advertisement which we publish for you, we may also use your information for publication of that same advertisement in other media, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the initial publication.
We may share your information with other companies which are related to News Limited, within Australia. We or they may also use your personally identifiable information to assist us in improving our products and services and any of us might be in touch to let you know about goods, services, or promotions which may interest you.
If you have registered a STASHeverything account with us, we will hold your contact and billing details. Those details are primarily used to provide you with the ticketing services you have requested and to send you information about the STASHeverything platform, any upgrades that become available, new developments and forthcoming features and to charge you for service fees in relation to tickets you have acquired through the STASHeverything platform. If you have booked or registered for events that are listed by an EVENT ORGANISER using STASHeverything and the STASHeverything platform, we keep a record of your booking data to report to the EVENT ORGANISER. Your booking data will be provided to the event organiser if requested for their records and analysis. This booking data does not include your personal contact details which are only given to EVENT ORGANISERS if, at the time of purchase, you agree to receiving information and offers about future events directly from the Event Organiser. We will also keep a record of your billing information to allow you to make quick purchases by simply using an email address and password to login to your STASHeverything account.
You can opt-out of receiving email campaigns from STASHeverything and our partners either during the ticket purchase or registration process or by logging into your STASHeverything profile at and unselecting the various options relating to weekly newsletters, special offers, and special offers from partners. Our partners include third party businesses we have entered into contracts with for marketing and client relationship purposes.
Use By Event Organiser If at the time of purchase you agreed to receive information and offers about future events directly from the venue operator and/or promoter(s) of the event, then we may provide your contact details to the EVENT ORGANISER for this purpose. Event Organisers may use these details to contact you with information and offers regarding future events and promotions. If you wish to change this choice you can contact us but it may be necessary to contact the EVENT ORGANISER directly if your contact details have already been provided to them. EVENT ORGANISERS will use your personal information in accordance with their own privacy policies. If the EVENT ORGANISER contacts you and you wish to unsubscribe from this communication or have any questions regarding their privacy policy you should contact the EVENT ORGANISER directly.
If you have booked through a STASHeverything Retail Associate and then registered your STASHeverything account, where you have opted-in to receive updates by email or SMS, this registration data may be used in future event marketing campaigns by the EVENT ORGANISER for which the account was allocated tickets, by the STASHeverything Retail Associate through which you purchased your tickets to update you on store based information and by STASHeverything. You can opt-in to receiving these campaigns during the account registration process.
All account registrations are managed online. You can use the link which is at the bottom of every email to log in to your account at All SMS messages are sent with an opportunity to reply and unsubscribe from future broadcasts in your expressed category of interest.
Use by Third Parties
STASHeverything may disclose your information to its service providers and contractors from time to time to help us to provide and market our goods and services to you. Examples of such third party service providers and contractors include call centre operators, software contractors and email/sms broadcast providers. We may also share your information with third parties who provide prizes for competitions or special offers. If we do this we generally require these parties to protect your information in the same way we do.
Use of Aggregate Data
We may collect certain non-personal information to optimise our goods and services including our Web pages for your computer (e.g., the identity of your Internet browser, the type of operating system you use, your IP address and the domain name of your Internet service provider). We may use such non-personal information for internal purposes, including but not limited to improving the content of our sites.
STASHeverything may use personally identifiable information in aggregate form to improve our goods and services including our Web sites and make them more responsive to the needs of our customers.
STASHeverything strives to ensure the security, integrity and privacy of personally identifiable information of our customers. We use a variety of physical and electronic security measures including restricting physical access to our offices and firewalls and secure databases to keep personal information secure from misuse, loss or unauthorised use or disclosure. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be totally secure.
Access to Personal Information
You have a right to access most personal information we hold about you and if we deny access in some circumstances we will tell you why. To request access, please contact our privacy officer as set out at the end of this document.
Public Information
Any information posted on bulletin boards and/or communicated in chat areas becomes public information. While STASHeverything strives to protect and respect your privacy, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you disclose in a chat room or bulletin board.
Cookies are data that a Web site transfers to an individual’s hard drive for record-keeping purposes. Cookies can facilitate a user’s ongoing access to and use of a site. They allow us to track usage patterns and to compile data that can help us improve our content and target advertising. If you do not want information collected through the use of Cookies, there is a simple procedure in most browsers that allows you to deny or accept the Cookie feature. But you should note that Cookies may be necessary to provide you with features such as merchandise transactions or registered services.
Online Links to Third Party and Co-Branded Sites
STASHeverything may establish relationships with business partners that allow visitors to our Internet sites to link directly to sites operated by these partners. Some of these sites may be “co-branded” with our logo; however, these sites may not be operated or maintained by or on our behalf. These sites may collect personal information from you that may be shared with us. This Privacy Statement will apply to any personal information we obtain in this manner.
STASHeverything is not responsible for the content or practices of Web sites operated by third parties that are linked to our sites. These links are meant for the user’s convenience only. Links to third party sites do not constitute sponsorship, endorsement or approval by STASHeverything of the content, policies or practices of those third party sites. Once you have left our site via such a link, you should check the applicable privacy policy of the third party site.
What else you should know about privacy on the Internet
Remember to close your browser when you have finished your user session. This is to ensure that others cannot access your personal information and correspondence if you share a computer with someone else or are using a computer in a public place like a library or Internet cafe. You as an individual are responsible for the security of and access to your own computer.
Whenever you voluntarily disclose personal information over the Internet that this information can be collected and used by others. In short, if you post personal information in publicly accessible online forums, you may receive unsolicited messages from other parties in return. Ultimately, you are solely responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your username and passwords and any account information. Please be careful and responsible whenever you are using the Internet.
Anti piracy
Software piracy seriously impacts the software industry worldwide. From time to time STASHeverything receives reports of suspected piracy and investigates those reports. Software piracy may be a criminal offence, and sometimes an investigation is undertaken. Whilst most reports concern piracy by businesses, some personal information may be collected.
For further information
Please contact our Privacy Officer to ask for access to your information or if you have a complaint concerning your information privacy or if you would like more information about our approach to privacy.
Tel: 02 8399 1768
Office 209 50 Holt St Surry Hills Sydney, NSW, 2010