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R&B Duo Denetia & Sene Release ‘His and Hers’

May 27, 2013 by
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After a few dope offerings, the duo of denetia and sene finally let loose their full-length effort. The R&B duo show no signs of slowing down after the release of their full length debut, His and Hers which is a lo-fi soundscape of electro-touches and pounding drumbeats anchored by hit-worthy pop hooks.

They’ve released a brand new cut the nude. denitia and sene both handle vocals, while sene wrote and produced the track (Sly5thave on bass). Listen below, and be prepared to hit replay on this one a few times over.

demetia and sene

Cover Art

Track list:

because we are fools.
call u.
again. (new ride.)
stupid world.
she’s not the only one.
how to satisfy.
blah blah blah.

Denetia and Senehis and hersR&BSly5thavethe nude

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